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Annual Bear Wake-up Social

Swan River Community Hall 115 Swan River Rd, Bigfork, MT, United States

Join us for our annual Swan Valley Bear Resources “Spring Bear Wake-up Social” where Erik Wenum, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Region 1 Bear and Lion Specialist, will be presenting on living with bears and sharing information on our Bigfork population! Come learn about local resources and programs available to community members to live safely […]


Bear Awareness

Bigfork VFW

Join Swan Valley Connections (SVC) and People and Carnivores (P&C) at the VFW in Bigfork for the annual Bear Awareness event! Jackie Pagano with Swan Valley Connections and Ryan Wilbur with P&C will be representing Swan Valley Bear Resources ( as they cover information on living in bear country and discuss what resources are available […]


Annual Bear Fair

Swan Valley Community Hall 6803 MT Hwy 83, MM 42.5, MT, United States

Come learn about best practices to living in bear country from bear management experts, local professionals, and bear-related organizations. Local food truck, kids table, and bear spray training available! Enjoy two presentations on our local bear population from our MT FWP Region 1 Bear and Lion Specialist, Erik Wenum, and grizzly bear research team member, […]


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