2 events found.
Downtown Bigfork
Events at this venue
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat
Downtown BigforkBring the kiddos down to Electric Avenue for Trick or Treating in the Bigfork Village. Other businesses not on Electric Avenue will set up their (trunk) spot at Lake Baked to hand out treats. Starts at 4 pm and ends at 6 pm. Come and enjoy the fun and the costumes. Businesses who would like […]
Parade of Lights
Parade of Lights
Downtown Bigfork‘Tis the season to bundle up and join the Bigfork Holiday Parade of Lights! This year’s theme, will be announced as time gets closer. The parade will light up downtown Bigfork on the first Saturday of December. Parade line up will be in the school bus parking on Grand, across from Marina Cay. Bring the family […]