The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.
The Full Monty, based on the hit film of the same name, follows the fortunes of six unemployed steelworkers in Buffalo, New York. With no job, money or prospects, they are fed up. When the men spy their wives and other local women going crazy over a group of male strippers, an idea begins to emerge. Overcoming their jealousy and feelings of emasculation, they decide to make some quick cash by forming their own act—a team of male strippers with ‘real man’ bodies. However, their rehearsals are not easy. As they prepare for the performance of their lives, they are tested and exposed, both physically and emotionally. Overcoming their fears, self- onsciousness, and inner demons, the men realize that they are strong together and find solace in their friendship. This gives them the courage to finally ‘let it go’ and reveal all!
Songs include: Scrap, You Rule My World, A Woman’s World, Big Black Man, Michael Jordan’s Ball, Let It Go and more!
***Champagne Reception following the performance on July 6th.
Tickets can be purchased online at or contact the Box office 406-837-4886.